Tips for working with pendulums and boards

Pendulums and Boards are the perfect tool to get your started on your dowsing journey. Whether your a first timer or wanting to dedicate more time and energy into working with a pendulum these are a great station to help you really hone your skills.

They are also great if you want to work with and incorporate the energy of crystals in your pendulum sessions.

Everyone will fine tune and develop their own way and intuitively drop into how to best work with a pendulum for them. For me when working intuitively you can’t go wrong. So just trust where and how you are being called to work with the pendulum and board and you will find your style.

A few simple tips to get your started working with a pendulum and or board are :

  • When you purchase a pendulum you will need it to attune to you ( and you it). To do this connect with the pendulum daily for up to 14days, even if you don’t use it, just hold it, pick it up and energetically imprint on it.

  • Cleanse your pendulum board and pendulum before each use. This can be done using sage, smudge spray or placing on a selenite plate. It’s great if you can have a selenite pendulum board that keeps everything energetically cleansed at all times.

  • When beginning working with your pendulum try create a regular practice. The more you use it the deeper the connection will grow and the more accurate it will become.

  • Don’t get frustrated if you feel like things aren’t clear straight away, like all relationships it can take time. Just give it time and practice and you will find your rhythm.

  • I always love starting my session with a bit of journalling and see what themes come through. Sometimes ill write an intention or a question on a piece of paper and place it under the board to channel that through.

  • Another thing I love to do is have a beautiful piece of selenite in the centre of the board which works similar to a selenite pendulum board. It keep all the energy clear.

Hopefully these few tips will help you feel a little more confident in beginning, rekindling or continuing your journey of pendulum work. Trust your intuition, have fun and enjoy the journey.

Remember you are the light keeper

Love IHD x